Tuesday, June 10, 2008


A winter break in Taos, New Mexico - 90 miles north of Santa Fe but in a different "State of Mind". We stayed at the Old Taos Roadhouse - a bed and Breakfast sort of place. My room was lovely - the building 180 years old and made of adobe with original vigas, kiva fireplace and niches with little figures and pots in them. I had a skylight in both bedroom and bathroom.

The grounds have 2 horses in a field overlooking the Western view - we sat and watched a superb sunset - we talked about our trip from Santa Fe the previous day - we stopped at Tsankawa - a part of Bandilier National Park - we hiked a loop trail and climbed up onto the mesa top and when into cliff dwellings. Sat there and meditated upon what it must have been like to live here with snow everywhere...

Back at the Old Taos Roadhouse, I wrote the following poem to go with the painting I did in the morning light.

"Taos Mountain Blue"
At breakfast we spoke of moradas and penitentes.
Pinon smoke incense in the air,
the cold finger of frost is just lifting.
Across the road from our Inn, Taos Mountain Blue.

Cottonwood trees in winter dress.
Weak winter sun casts spidery shadows,
Taos Mountain in winter is the view.
Taos Mountain Blue.

I love Taos! Wonderful art galleries, good places to eat and great "people watching" opportunities abound.