Sunday, October 5, 2008

Old Barn, Bath, Maine


Built around 1890, this old barn can been seen from our house in Bath, Maine. The barn belongs to our neighbor, Bob Colfer. I love the old barn – it is weathered and shows its age but still stands strongly ready to endure many decades into the future. Bath has a great number of beautiful historic old houses in excellent condition. During the Summer the gardens and lawns are a delight. No one has fences and great expanses of green manicured lawn lap around white or gray sided old houses like a sea. During the Winter, the green lawns give way to white expanses of snow.

Old Barn, Bath, Maine

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Rocks and Fog at Reid State Park, Maine

Rocks and Fog at Reid State Park, Georgetown, Maine.

When I think of Maine, I think of foggy, rugged coastline pounded by waves. The sound of a distant muffled fog horn warns of hull rendering rocks ahead. All these elements are present at Reid State Park on the Atlantic coast. The park is unique as it has rugged granite rocks, sand dunes, long white sand beaches bordered by wild pink beach roses as well as tidal marsh areas. Due to the diversity of terrain it is fertile ground for painting expeditions. I have painted there many times and am never bored.

This Summer we took canvas chairs and set them up under pine trees next to the ocean. The sound of breaking waves and the caress of cool wind coming off the sea made it the best place to spend a hot summer afternoon.

Reid State Park is the first State owned saltwater beach. The land was donated to the State of Maine in 1946 by wealthy Georgetown resident Walter E. Reid. The park is 15 minutes drive from downtown Bath.